Home Resources Children & Youth Mobile Adventure Playgrounds
Adventure Playgrounds have been around for over 70 years and are permanent or fixed play spaces specifically for child-led play. A Mobile Adventure Playground is similar to adventure playgrounds however the key difference is they are designed to move from place to place throughout a community. They are dynamic outdoor spaces that contain a variety of materials and loose parts – e.g., wood, tires, tape, rope, fabric, and cardboard.
The following resources have been developed to support the creation of a Mobile Adventure Playgrounds in your community:
These ‘how to’ guides are intended to help municipalities and organizations improve play in their communities. They are based on the experiences of The City of Calgary who, since 2016, has developed and implemented Mobile Adventure Playgrounds.
The Alberta Recreation & Parks Association would like to acknowledge the First Nations, the Métis, the Inuit and all of the people across Alberta who share a history and a deep connection with this land. We dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.