Be a Part of a Community of Fellow Recreation & Parks Professionals!
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities within the Recreation and Parks sector? By contributing your time, you are helping to shape the recreation and parks sector. Here are some ways that you can get involved:
- 2023 Conference Planning Committees
- Awards and Scholarships Committee
- Become a Member of the ARPA Board or Recreation for Life Foundation Board
- Professional Development and Education Committee
- Parks and Open Space Network
- Parks School Advisory Committee
- Recreation Connections and Collaboration Network
- Help out at our Bi-annual Casinos
If you are interested in serving on a committee, or finding out more about certain volunteer options, please fill out this volunteer interest survey using the button below.
Upcoming Volunteer Events
Volunteer Expenses
Thank you for volunteering! We appreciate your time and dedication to the recreation and parks sector. Please complete ARPA Volunteer Expense Claim Form and submit your receipts in order to be reimbursed for your expenses.
If you have any questions, please contact Lori Simmonds,