Elder Library
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Home All Programs Walking With Indigenous Communities Oral Knowledge Hub
Welcome to the Oral Knowledge Hub. We have gathered all of our resources, alongside some external guest additions, to share with you. Our huge thanks go to the Elders and to our partners who have shared the gift of these incredible stories and teachings.
The Alberta Recreation & Parks Association Statement of Intellectual Property and Protection of Cultural Knowledge
In respect of Indigenous oral governance systems, all video content of this website has been approved by the Indigenous Elders involved. All video content, as well as the collective intellectual property and cultural Indigenous knowledge (including stories, ceremonies, songs, and dance), are the intellectual property of the Indigenous Elders who share this knowledge and practice.
The content of this website is not intended to be replicated, recycled, or reused without express permission from the Alberta Recreation & Parks Association (ARPA). Any replication of this intellectual property violates the rights of Indigenous people involved to act as stewards of their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions as defined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
The Alberta Recreation & Parks Association would like to acknowledge the First Nations, the Métis, the Inuit and all of the people across Alberta who share a history and a deep connection with this land. We dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.